.key to .pvk conversion

SSL .key to .pvk conversion


  • First we need to download the tool to convert the files: pvktool | http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/pvktool.zip or from here

  • Once received the SSL files from the registrar we need to extract the zip file. |  for example: \Desktop\SSL

  • extract the pvktool to the same folder as our SSL that we extracted to in the last step. | \Desktop\SSL

  • Now put your "SSL.key" file also in the same folder (\Desktop\SSL), | To make a "SSL.key"  If you do not have your "SSL.key", copy the contents of  "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" into note pad, select save AS, rename to "SSL.key", Select save AS All File Types to the location of your SSL Folder. | \Desktop\SSL

  • We now in windows need to open the CMD promt,  | ( Press Windows key + R  then type CMD )

  • In CMD we navigate to the folder of the SSL. | /Desktop/SSL

  • For the purpose of this tutorial, let us say that we want to open the SSL folder on our desktop.

  • In order to do so, type in "cd C:\Users\*username*\Desktop\SSL". | (replace *username* with your user name for expample: C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\SSL 

       Cd is the command used in command prompt for changing the directory.

  • Now we need to run the command to execute the pvk tool to convert the .key to a .pvk

  • Type this command: pvk.exe -topvk -nocrypt -in your.key -out your.pvk

You should now see a SSL.pvk in the folder

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