SSH on dedicated server

SSH is installed on every server. It ensures secure connection to the server and gives you full control over your machine.

SSH applications

  • for Windows
Putty (free):
SecureCRT (paid):

  • for Mac
- Terminal is available with Mac OS X and is automatically installed.

  • for Linux
Openssh (free):

First connection
To connect with the server via ssh you need to know:
- server's IP or its name
- server's root password

Example of connection with openssh :

$ ssh root@bmw
The authenticity of host 'bmw (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is a9:bb:55:35:86:4d:ca:81:7f:9e:2b:2c:79:10:96:3c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'bmw,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

During the connection your ssh application receives RSA key fingerprint, which is the server key. It is verified during every connection. If the key changes, you'll be informed about it. It means that something has changed on your server, for example the server has been reinstalled, or ssh server has been reinstalled or you have connected to the wrong server.

During the first connection you should accept the key which will be registered in your ssh application.

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